Idea & Design Ltd
This policy delineates our procedures for collecting, storing, and managing personal data during interactions with our company. Our foremost commitment is to safeguard your privacy and maintain transparency in how we handle your information.

Aligned with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we adhere to stringent principles ensuring that personal data is:

  • Used fairly, lawfully, and transparently.
  • Utilised for specified, explicit purposes.
  • Employed in a manner that is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary.
  • Maintained with accuracy and updated when necessary.
  • Retained for no longer than required.
  • Handled securely to prevent unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction, or damage.

Legal Basis for Processing Your Data
Under the framework of data protection laws, companies are authorised to collect and process personal data under various circumstances:

  • Contractual Obligations: We may require your data to fulfil contractual agreements, such as delivering your purchased goods via delivery courier.
  • Legal Compliance: We may collect and process data as mandated by law, such as sharing details related to criminal activities.
  • Legitimate Interest: In specific instances, we may use your data for our legitimate business interests, such as providing you with marketing information or enhancing our services.

Information We Collect About You
When you use our services or interact with our website and social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.), we collect certain Personal Data voluntarily provided by you, including your name, gender, email address, contact number, home delivery address, and any other information provided when creating an account with us.

Collection of Personal Data
We collect your data when you:

  • Purchase products/services or redeem vouchers, including details such as your name, billing/delivery address, email, and phone numbers.
  • Create an account or make a purchase, which may include information about your interactions with us, such as conversations, complaints, and purchase history.
  • Contact us with inquiries or complaints, where we may gather details to assist in resolving your concerns.
  • Request information about our products/services, providing us with insight into your interests.
  • Book virtual appointments or complete surveys, helping us tailor our services to your needs.
  • Fill in forms or provide consent for third parties to share your data, ensuring we have accurate information.

Please note that Idea & Design Ltd does not store your payment information. At present, we exclusively accept Bacs payment or Bank transfers, for which we provide our bank account details to customers to facilitate payment.

In most cases, the information described above is provided by you voluntarily because you choose to engage with our services. Our use of your information is governed by contract terms. Choosing to withhold some or all of this information may affect our ability to provide you with the desired services. We may rely on this condition for processing in the following scenarios:

  • Enabling you to access our website and utilise our services.
  • Processing artwork and personal data to fulfil orders.
  • Keeping you informed about the status of your orders.
  • Processing payments and collecting arrears.
  • Providing and improving customer support.
  • Resolving complaints, disputes, and customer service queries.
  • Notifying you about significant changes to product, terms, or privacy policy.
  • Complying with the law.

Use of Personal Data
We DO NOT utilise your data for direct marketing without your explicit consent. Your data is used for the following purposes:

  • Processing orders, ensuring accurate delivery, and addressing any inquiries or complaints you may have.
  • Providing personalised services, such as tailored product recommendations and promotions based on your purchase history and preferences.
  • Sending essential service messages, such as updates on your orders, product recalls, and legally required information.
  • Enhancing our services through surveys and feedback, allowing us to continually improve and meet your expectations.

Online Advertising and Direct Marketing
To keep you informed about the latest offers and products, we engage in online advertising and direct marketing. We may send you marketing communications via email, SMS, post, or social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.) if we believe that our products, services, offers, or those of our partners, may be of interest to you. We utilise your contact and profile information, along with information on your site activity, purchase history, and previous responses to marketing, to enhance the relevance and timeliness of these communications by identifying customer groups and personalising content.

Other Communications:

  • Market Research: We may select customers and invite them to participate in market research and provide feedback on our products and services. If you accept this invitation, we will utilise the feedback to enhance the products and services we offer.
  • Service Communications: As part of your account, we may use your information to contact you about changes or issues affecting the services available, or to inform you about significant changes to our products, product ranges, terms & conditions, or privacy policy.

Data Security Measures
Data security is paramount to us, and we are committed to safeguarding your personal information with the following robust measures:

  • Industry-Standard Encryption: We utilise secure socket layer (“SSL”) technology to encrypt your data during transit, ensuring its protection.
  • Password Protection: Personal data access is restricted through password protection, enhancing security.
  • Regular Monitoring and Updates: We continuously monitor for vulnerabilities and promptly apply security updates to fortify our defences.
  • Comprehensive Security Protocols: Our security framework includes encryption, firewalls, physical access controls, and strict information access authorization, ensuring multiple layers of protection.
  • Continuous Improvement: We regularly review and enhance our security processes to proactively mitigate risks and adapt to evolving threats.

While we are dedicated to safeguarding your data, it’s important to note that despite our best efforts, transmission of data over the internet entails some risk. However, upon receiving your information, we implement stringent procedures and security features to minimise unauthorised access.

In the event of a security breach, we will make every effort to notify you promptly through the email address or SMS provided to us, or by posting a notice on our website, along with guidance on protective measures.

Data Retention
We retain your data for the necessary duration, such as:

  • Order Fulfilment: Personal data associated with orders is retained to fulfil contractual obligations, including delivery and refunds.
  • Legitimate Business Interests: We retain some of your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary to support legitimate business interests, such as fraud detection, compliance with legal obligations, tax, legal reporting, and auditing requirements, for a maximum of 6 years.

Information Access and Disclosure
We adhere to strict guidelines when disclosing Personal Data to third parties, which include:

  • Explicit Consent: Personal Data is shared with third parties only with your explicit consent.
  • Delivery Couriers: Necessary information is provided to delivery couriers to facilitate order delivery.
  • Fraud Management: Information may be shared to prevent and address potentially fraudulent activities, safeguarding our business and customers.
  • Customer Support: Personal Data is disclosed to assist in resolving queries or complaints efficiently.
  • Third-Party Print Providers: Customer or user artwork may be shared with third-party print providers as necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations.

Your Rights Regarding Your Data
You have the following rights:

  • Access, Correction, and Deletion: You have the right to access, correct inaccuracies, and request deletion of your data.
  • Withdrawal of Consent: You can withdraw consent or request cessation of specific data uses.
  • Objection to Processing: You have the right to object to processing based on legitimate interests.
  • Opt-Out of Direct Marketing: You can opt out of direct marketing communications through various channels.

If you are dissatisfied with how we handle your data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)at:

Opting Out of Direct Marketing
To opt out of marketing communications, you can:

Policy Updates
As Idea & Design Ltd evolves, we may update this policy to align with changes in our sites and services, business operations, and applicable laws. We are committed to maintaining transparency and will notify you of any material changes impacting your rights under this policy with latest updates posted on this website or via email. Please be aware that your continued use of following any changes signifies your agreement and consent to abide by this Privacy Policy, which may be updated periodically.

We hope this comprehensive Privacy Policy demonstrates our commitment to protecting your data. For further inquiries or to exercise your data rights, please do not hesitate to contact us at